News Archive
2022 Grantees

2022 Grantees
Tree of Life is pleased to annoounce the four artists who were selected to receive the 2022 Tree of Life Individual Artist Grant.

The Grantees are:

Susan Breitsch, Philadelphia, PA

Anna Fine Foer, Baltimore, MD

Kathy Grove, New York, NY

Dorothy Robinson, Peekskill, NY

Additional information about the artists and their projects will be posted to our website in July.

Image: Susan Breitsch, The Happy Painter, mixed media collage, 2022

Awilda Sterling-Duprey at Whitney Biennial

Awilda Sterling-Duprey at Whitney Biennial
Awilda Sterling-Duprey (Tree of Life 2019 Grantee) is one of the artists selected for the Whitney Biennial 2022: Quiet As It's Kept.

April 6 -September 5, 2022

Whitney Museum of American Art
9 Gansevoort Street
New York, NY 10014

Image: Installation detail of en-cierro, 2018

Betty Beaumont at New Arts Gallery

Betty Beaumont at New Arts Gallery
Betty Beaumont: Out of Fashion
The Apparel Industry's Environmental Impact

January 14 - April 17, 2022

Tree of Life 2018 Grantee, Betty Beaumont, addresses the fashion industry, the second largest polluter in the world and the legacy it is leaving to the children of the world today who are suffering from climate anxiety.

New Arts Gallery
173 W. Main Street
Kutztown, PA

Image: Detail from installation